[Ansteorra] New Kingdom MOC

Minister of Children via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Jul 18 11:43:19 PDT 2016

Greetings Good Gentles,

I am pleased and humbled to be accepted as the new Kingdom Minister of
Children. Lady Ceara inghean mhic an Ghabhann has done an amazing job these
past two and a half years and I wish to offer my most sincere thanks. She
has striven for greatness and really laid down a strong foundation for me
to continue building on. As she has done, I will maintain a focus on our
teenage group. I would also like to ask for the support of all our MOCs
throughout the Kingdom.  Without the support from our local groups our MOCs
would not be able to do their jobs properly or successfully. I would also
like to announce that Honorable Lady Madelena de Orozco is now the Deputy
Kingdom Minister of Children.

I look forward to my time as Kingdom Minister of Children and serving our
fine Kingdom.

<moc at seneschal.ansteorra.org>
Lady Silvana Corwin
Kingdom MoC, Ansteorra

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