[Ansteorra] Post-Round Table Notes from KCoE

Ansteorra Exchequer via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Jul 20 08:36:43 PDT 2016

Greetings to the very most Stellar Kingdom in the Known World!

The Exchequer Warranting/ Forms/ Gate Classes were well attended, and many
people had excellent questions. Thanks to everyone who participated - even
if just by listening. If you noticed things that could be better, please
let me know!

I have now completed 2 years in my office. I have filed for an extension
with the Society Chancellor of the Exchequer, and I have received an
updated warrant through July 2017.

I intend to open applications in time to have my successor announced before
Round Table, January 2017, so that person can help me run the KCoE
obligations at Round Table in January and July, and formally take over at
the July 2017 Round Table Open Meeting. More details as we get closer to


HE Meadhbh, our Kingdom's NMR Deputy, has facilitated a perfect reporting
record for the 4th Quarter 2015, and again in the 2nd Quarter 2016. Thanks
to all of the event stewards and branch treasurers who helped make that
happen! Let's keep it up, and get a little better with meeting the time

New Southern Regional Exchequer: Czina Angelsika, will be job-shadowing the
current Southern Regional, Amerinda di Praga, through October, and then
will take over the office responsibilities.

New Central Regional Exchequer: Eleanor of Forth Castle is now formally in

I hope to have new announcements regarding PayPal in the next few weeks.

HL Elsa von Schammach

mka Elizabeth Snyder
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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