[Ansteorra] Office Opening: Southern Regional Exchequer

Ansteorra Exchequer via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Jun 29 09:08:13 PDT 2016

Greetings Ansteorra,

Applications are now open for the Southern Regional Exchequer office. The
plan is to accept applications between now and Round Table 2016, then
transition the new SR Exchequer into office starting October 2016.

Please send applications, plus photo ID and proof of current membership, to
the current Southern Regional Exchequer and to my office via email.

Job duties in a nutshell: Help Branch Treasurers fill all the
monthly/periodic requirements of their offices (including Domesday and NMR
functions); Help the Kingdom Exchequer teach warranting and forms classes
at Round Tables and as needed.

Resources you'll want to have for this work: Ability to access the banks
used within the Region; Internet and Excel-capable computer; About 5 hours
per month for data entry, troubleshooting, and general reporting;
Communication/people skills are helpful - money-related offices can be
stressful and this office works with many first-time officers.

Please join me in thanking Amerinda di Praga for her successful tenure in
this office, especially as she works to maintain a smooth transition with
her successor!


HL Elsa von Schammach

mka Elizabeth Snyder
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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