[Ansteorra] Artisand Row - War of the Rams V

Artisans Row Coordinator via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Oct 18 19:35:56 PDT 2016

 <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>

Greetings from the Artisan’s Row Coordinators at War of the Rams V!

Once again, we are seeking gentlefolk willing to share their knowledge and

We do have a couple of sponsored Tracks this year as well: Performing Arts
and Teen Classes - (for both actual teens that want to teach classes and/or
people wanting to teach classes, A&S or otherwise)

Artisans Village - The village is a campground for teaching artisans set
just off Artisans row who are interested in teaching out of their own camp
or who are teaching multiple classes within Artisans row without the need
to tote back and forth.

If you would like to be part of this year's Artisans Row, fill out the
class submission form. https://goo.gl/aqXO7I.

If you have any questions about Artisans’ Row, or ideas you don’t know how
to fit into the form, please contact HL Elene or Mistress Willoc at
warartisansrow at gmail.com.

In Service to the Dream,

Honorable Lady Elene Kirchenknopf & Mistress Willoc mac Muiredaig

War of the Rams Artisan's Row Class Coordinators

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