[Ansteorra] Stefan's Florilegium article for September 2016

Stefan li Rous via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Sun Sep 4 21:17:15 PDT 2016

Greetings to the Gentlefolk of the SCA,

Here is a copy of my Florilegium article for September, detailing what is new in the Florilegium this month. This is the first monthly article I’ve published since last January, but I’m hoping to get back to publishing these on a monthly basis, again.

I am always looking for good articles for the Florilegium. If you have researched something in our period or you practice a little known art or craft, writing an article is an excellent way to introduce others to the work you've done. I'm especially interested in academic papers written for A&S contests because, unfortunately, few have time at such an event to read them. Even the judges. Getting them published in the Florilegium lets your hard word benefit the entire Known World. Word format is the easiest for me to handle, but others are possible. 

If you see an article in a kingdom, guild or local newsletter that you think others might find useful or interesting, please consider sending me a note about it. I would appreciate the author's contact info if you have it. I will not add an article to the Florilegium without the author's permission, but many authors are too inhibited to send me their own work. If you like an article, then chances are other SCA folks will as well.

A Blending of the Past and Present

Over the past twenty-six years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and articles whose authors have given me permission to publish. In order to make this information available to others, I have placed this information in a collection of files called Stefan's Florilegium.

The Florilegium is on the web at: http://www.florilegium.org

I am always interested in new articles. If you have written an article that would be of interest to others in the SCA, please send it to me for possible inclusion in the Florilegium. A&S documentation and class handouts will also often work well. I am especially interested in research papers submitted as A&S entries.

If you see someone's A&S documentation or perhaps an article in a local newsletter that you think deserves a wider audience, please let me know. I won't publish anything without the author's permission, but many authors are too reserved to send me their articles on their own.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Ansteorra    stefan at florilegium.org

Here are the new files for this month:
In the ANIMALS section:
Hounds-p-SCA-art  (26K)  7/31/16  "Hounds in Period & in the Society" by THL Allesandra Grimani.

In the ARCHERY section:
Types-of-Bows-art  (9K)  2/13/16  "Which Bow Is Best" by The Honorable Christophe of Grey.

In the CRAFTS section:
A-Etched-Eggs-art (17K)  2/12/16  "Acid Etched Eggs" by Mistress Kataryna Tkach, O.L.

In the FOOD section:
Cooking-Fats-art   (7K)  7/30/16  "Comparison of Animal Fats for Use in Cooking" by Magister Galefridus Peregrinus, OP.

Rec-Medv-Lent-art (20K)  1/20/16  "Recreating Medieval Lent" by Mistress 
Agnes deLanvallei.

In the FOOD-BY-REGION section:
Jew-Seder-Fd-art  (31K)  8/ 7/16  "Foods of the Medieval Passover Seder" by Lady Judith bas Rabbi Mendel.

In the FOOD-FRUITS section:
Cranberries-art   (19K)  7/31/16  "Cranberries" by Mistress Agnes deLanvallei.

watermelons-msg   (64K) 10/24/15  Period watermelons.

In the TEXTILE ARTS section:
Sq-Lucet-Cord-art  (6K)  2/13/16  "Basic Square Lucet Cord" by Mistress Alienor Fitzhenry, OL.

Updated files:
tent-floors-msg   (33K)  8/ 7/16  What to use on the ground in your tent.
Copyright 2016, Mark S. Harris. Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the file descriptions are left unchanged. Removing any of the updated files listed in order to fit the article into limited publication space is allowed.  The article introduction may also be edited, provided the web address and contact info are retained.

THLord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
   Mark S. Harris           Austin, Texas          StefanliRous at gmail.com
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at:  http://www.florilegium.org ****

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