[Ansteorra] THREE TALES....November 4-6

Emma Fairwyll via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Sep 23 16:33:39 PDT 2016

Do you enjoy a goode fight?  Rosenfeld has the event for you...goode at
games?  we will have them all day long...And Art projects as well as the
Rosenfeld A&S Champtionship and Bardic Championship...games and quests for
the populace and boffer games for the littles....enjoy the drums and the
dancers at our ME dance party....something for everyone!  Hope to see you
all there...more information can be found on the Three Tales website:
Potluck contributions :  If your mundane last name begins with A-M please
bring a side dish and those whose first intial (last name) begins with N-Z
please bring desserts...Rosenfeld will have Brisket and bread....until we
are again merrily met....hl emma farewyll

Be bestowed with Blessings,

Emma Farewyll

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