[Ansteorra] Bryn Gwlad Baronial: Agincourt

Wentiliana le Chandeler via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Wed Sep 28 15:44:09 PDT 2016

Bryn Gwlad’s Fall Baronial is here! We hope you join us for a fun filled
and beautiful weekend.

Want to sit at home and watch more presidential campaign coverage OR Would
you rather..?

Vie to become a Bryn Gwlad Champion

Chivalric and Rapier token tourneys will be held Friday evening and
Saturday afternoon. Those chosen will compete in the finals Sunday morning
to determine the winner. Archery and Equestrian championship tournaments
will be held Saturday afternoon.

Support our Armed Forces Charities

            The very first Sable Shield Tournament will be held Saturday

Celebrate and Witness the Knighting of (soon-to-be) Sir Lucius

Attend A&S and European Dance classes

Enhance your Riding Skills (Equestrian classes)

Shoot Royal Rounds

Paint Scrolls

Shop the Merchants’ Tents

Take a Financial Policy Warranting or Gate Class

Kids! Participate in Children’s Activities or compete in the Youth Boffer

Irises, Socialize with other members of the Order of the Iris (they have

Pelicans, Flock to a Pelican Circle

Royals, Nibble at the Nobles Luncheon

Enjoy the Food and Fellowship when everyone comes together for Feast

Attend Court

Dance at a Ball

Lounge in the Coffee House

Camp under the Stars of clear skies and a rare Black Moon

Come out and Join us!

See website for event schedules and details.


Reserve your feast here: http://goo.gl/SePRZb

Let us know if you have any questions.

In humble service,

Lady Wentiliana and HL Gavin

Event Stewards

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