[Ansteorra] Fwd: [Kexch] Corporate Treasurer Job Posting

Ansteorra Exchequer via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Mar 24 13:33:16 PDT 2017

Forwarding as requested: Corporate Treasurer (SCA Board member) Office

Applications are due April 1, 2017. Other details are included inline


Elsa von Schammach, OP

mka Elizabeth Snyder
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kingdom of Ansteorra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Therese Hofheins <treasurer at sca.org>
Date: Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 9:10 AM
Subject: [Kexch] Corporate Treasurer Job Posting
To: Kingdom Exchequer private mailing list <kexch at lists.sca.org>

Good Morning Everyone,

Please post this to your Kingdom via webpage, yahoo group, etc. The
deadline for submitting resumes is April 1, 2017.

The Board of Directors is accepting applications for the position of
Corporate Treasurer.  This is a part-time, stipend position, which requires
approximately 5-10 hours per week except when finalizing the yearly budget.

Applicants must be available for at least the October quarterly Board
Discussion Session (typically held on Friday), in addition to the October
Board meeting (typically on Saturday).  Additional traveling may be

1)  Working knowledge of basic financial spreadsheet program (QuickBooks or
2)  Experience with managing budgets and financial forecasting, including
tracking and analyzing variances;
3)  Basic suite of office communication skills - spreadsheets,
presentations, Word, etc.
4)  Preference for degree in accounting or finance.

Duties of the Treasurer

Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals
and objectives.

Work with the Society Exchequer, the Vice President for Corporate
Operations and the outside accountant to ensure all financial filings are

Work with the Society Exchequer to ensure that our relationships with third
party financial vendors (i.e. banks) are maintained.

Understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations.

Work with the President and the Vice President of Corporate Operations to
ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the Board
on a timely basis.

Prepare and present the annual budget to the Board of Directors.

Develop and maintain internal control policies, guidelines, and procedures
for activities such as budget administration.

Work with the Society Exchequer, President and the Vice President of
Corporate Operations to maintain and improve internal control policies,
guidelines and procedures for PayPal.

Analyze the financial details of past, present, and expected operations in
order to identify development opportunities and areas where improvement is

Evaluate needs for procurement of funds and investment of surpluses, and
make appropriate recommendations.

Ensure development and broad review of financial policies and procedures.

Maintain current knowledge of organizational policies and procedures,
federal and state policies and directives, and current accounting standards.

Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, together with
modern and SCA qualifications, via hardcopy to:

Renee Signorotti
Society for Creative Anachronism
PO Box 360789
Milpitas, CA  95036-0789

Courtesy copies should be provided via email to:

[ resumes at sca.org <http://lists.sca.org/listinfo/announcements> ](
mailto:resumes at sca.org <http://lists.sca.org/listinfo/announcements> )
[ treasurer at sca.org <http://lists.sca.org/listinfo/announcements> ](
mailto:treasurer at sca.org <http://lists.sca.org/listinfo/announcements> ).

The deadline for applications is April 1, 2017.


Therese Hofheins
Corporate Treasurer
Society For Creative Anachronism, Inc

Kexch mailing list
Kexch at lists.sca.org

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