[Ansteorra] Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius Thanks

Brian O'hUilliam via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon May 8 20:29:28 PDT 2017

Thank you to all who attended Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius A.S. LII this
weekend. Hopefully everyone had a great time and enjoyed a tasty feast with
some nice (for May) weather!

Thanks to Their Majesties Gabriel & Sonja II for attending this event and
bringing us clear skies and cool breezes.
To Their Excellencies Krag and Hennessey of Loch Soilleir - thank you for
entrusting Elena & I with this legendary event on behalf of the Barony.
To Their Excellencies Robert & Cristyana of Stargate - Thank you for the
support of Stargate and for the Barony, under the leadership off Lady Ceara
inghean mhic an Ghabhann, making a great feast happen.

Many thanks to those made the event possible. This event has many moving
parts and would not have been possible without the amazing work of so many

Chivalric Tournament - Duke Ulsted the Unsteady
Chivalric Melee - Syr Ysfael Bryndu
Rapier Melee - Master Caelan MacRob
Archery - HL Padraic of Kilkenny
Bardic - Don Brian MacCael, with Graffin Rebekah Kleinspielerin & Lady Rosa
de Armanno
A&S - Don Rene Damours, with Sir Alejandro Ramirez Mendoza & HL Biatrichi
Dance - Mistress Kaitlyn McKenna, with Mistress Perronnelle Charrette de La
Tour du Pin
Heraldry - Countess Sara Penrose & HL Elena Wyth
Chess - Sir Modius von Mergentheim
Youth Combat - Lord Gaius Artorius Germanus, with Baroness Hennssey O'
Youth Rapier - Don Etienne de Montagu
Youth Arts - HL Biatrichi Canzoniere
List Ministers - Graffin Rebekah Kleinspielerin, Mistress Ellisena de
Bayonne (Lissa), Mistress Neassa the Obstreporous, and Lady Karen
Decorations: Lady Mahearra Ad'Lauria d'Hexam
List Heralds - Master Alden Drake (Rapier) & Master William Wescott of
Welewen (Armored)
Hydration - Lady Mahearra Ad'Lauria d'Hexam, with Lord Roland of Westminster
Sanitation - Duchess Ebergardis von Zell
Kitchen Equipment - Master William Wescott of Welewen
Gate - Baroness Narkissa Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Katya) & her amazing gate

Set up & Tear Down Crews:
Baron Krag von Berghan
Baroness Hennesey O'Donohue
Baroness Christyana Lambrecht
Mistress Neassa the Obstreperous
Mistress Rhiannon verch Bryan
Master Calean MacRob
Master William Wescot of Welewen
Sir (Captain Hammer) Oliver the Faithful
Baroness Narkissa Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Katya)
Honorable Lady Magdalena von Hallenberg
Honorable Lady Sarra Ashton of York
Honorable Lady Melessent Michel (Lessa)
Lady Mahearra Ad'Lauria d'Hexam
Centurion Mu of Samarkand
Lord Roland of Westminster
Lord Hywel Goch Penbras/Philip of Corinth (who helped with set up despite
not being able to attend the event)
Lady Caitilin inghean Ronain ui Chellaigh
Lady Karen Goðreksdottir
Lord Boðvar Bogsveiger
Lady Miriel of the Shadowlands
Lady Elsie Hooper
Lord Gaius Artorius Geramanus
Thomas of Loch Soilleir
Ashley of Loch Soilleir
Dietrich Krag
Evan Kragssen
Conner MacCael
Nathan of the Shadowlands
Lucius Hooper
and of course, Super Special Tear-Down Supervisor, Otilia von Loch, War
Hound of the Loch.

To anyone I forgot, I apologize. Many people chipped to make this event
happen and I am sure I overlooked someone. Thank you & I am sorry for

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to my co-steward, and right hand
woman (because her left hand was in a cast), Elena Wyth. She was a rock,
letting me bounce ideas off of her, designing and printing ads and fliers,
and not letting surgery the week before the event slow her down.

Congratulations to all the winners of Squires, Cadets, and Arcarius!

Chivalric Overall - Lord Frederick von Dresen
Rapier Overall - Lord Kazimir Lyszkowycz Wylkowski
Archery Overall - Lord Marcus Livius Antoninus
Chivalric Tournament - Herr Wilhelm von Bellatrix
Rapier Tournament - Lord Diego Fortuna de Almeria
Archery Tournament - Lord Marcus Livius Antoninus
Bardic - Lord Kazimir Lyszkowycz Wylkowski
Arts & Sciences - Lady Miriel of the Shadowlands
Dance - Countess Nicollet Deauville
Youth Combat Overall - Vanessa
Youth Rapier Overall - Godfred Weiss

In Service,
Event Steward

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