[Ansteorra] AHSS classes

Eirik Halfdanarson via Ansteorra ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue May 16 12:42:38 PDT 2017

Greetings to all,

As the time for the next Asteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium draws
near, I must announce a deadline to submit classes for the Symposium. May
26th will be the last day to submit classes for the Symposium. That is only
a few days away. If you have not submitted a class because you are waiting
to see what is being taught, don't wait any longer. You can submit class
ideas and the class coordinators will contact you to finalize the classes
needed. Any heraldic or scribal subject can be presented, even some
non-heraldic classes, such as how to write a research paper would be

Thank you to all who have submitted classes and to all planning to attend.

In service,

Eirik Halfdanarson
Star Principal Herald


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