[Ansteorra] Northern regional polling results

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Thu Dec 13 18:47:56 PST 2018

Greetings Ansteorra.
The polling is complete and the will of the people has been reviewed by
myself and Their Majesties.  It is thus that I am able to announce that the
polling was overwhelmingly in favor for the North pursuing moving to
Principality status.
With that said, the following will be taking place.  I will be putting
together a group that will be working on composing Principality law.
Mistress Emma de Fetherstan will be leading the efforts to come up with a
passable name and device.  She will be sending out a polling form that will
help us gather information from the populace on what elements they would
like to see in the name and device.  She will be putting together a team of
heralds to complete this effort so be watching for information from her.
I would like to remind everyone at this point that there is still a lot of
work that has to be done now that the polling is completed.  So please be
patient as the process moves forward.
My thanks to Charles the Grey for all his hard work on getting the polling
completed and in place.

Master Ainar Magnusson
Kingdom Seneschal

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