[Ansteorra] Emerald Tourney Arts & Sciences Competition

lddevin03 lddevin03 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 15 19:11:32 PST 2018

The Winter Dragon
Within the heart of Emerald Keep slumbers a force, a power of pureness and light. Some say that it is the very breath that heaves from the bossom of the Keep herself. There are tales that one day an artisan will  come. One who will stir from his deep slumber the very heartbeat of Emerald Keep.

Artisans of Ansteorra both young and old. Emerald Keep calls you to come and compete to wake from slumber the Winter Dragon. Come vie for the title of Emerald Artisan at the Emerald Tourney Arts and Sciences. Documentation is encouraged but not required. Youth Arts and Sciences open to persons 15 years of age and younger.
Come out and compete and have a good time.
Devin O'DonnabhainEmerald Artisan

Sent from my Galaxy Tab® S2

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