[Ansteorra] Does anyone know whether this is real or a modern fake?

Giertrud Gyldenstierne giertrud at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 21:17:16 PDT 2018

The Game of Farkle
which requireth six goode dise.

The firste to pley, shall be choosen by the greatest throw of a die, and
thys having beene desided shall passe from eache Player to the sinister in

At eache turn, a Pleyer doth throw the six dise. At eache throw a die which
doth leane with no side facing up must be throwen oer. He then shall keepe
some, or all, of eny Points throwen, setting aside eache die thus counted.
He shall then chewes whether to stop, or to continue.

To continue, all dise remaining without Points be throwen. At every throw,
some Points must be made, else the turn doth end with all Points of that
turn forfeit, thys being the dred Farkle.

Thus must eache Pleyer choose wiseley when to stop throwing, lest he farkle
away all of his Points. Exception is made that a Player with noe Points
cannot stop throwing until he reacheth at leaste 1 .000 Points or doth
farkle, and a Player with Points cannot stop throwing in a turn until he
reacheth at leaste 350 Points.

The Points be thus:

one spotte 100

five spotts 50

three of one spotte 1000

three of two spotts 200

three of three spotts 300

three of four spotts 400

three of five spotts 500

three of six spotts 600

Four of the same, doth double three. Five of the same, doth double four.
Six of the same, doth double five.

Three Paires in a throw 500

One of eache face 1500

The Points of eache throw, do You count seperatlie.

To continue, when only one die remaineth without Points, a Pleyer doth have
three throws by which to make Points, that is a one spotte or a five.

To continue, when all six dise have Points, all six be throwen.

The firste Pleyer to end his turn having scored Him 10.000 points or more
doth signal the final Round. Eache Pleyer in turn doth then have one laste
turn to passe the greatest Score. When the laste Pleyer in the laste Round
doth end His turn, He with the greatest Score doth win.

Wager not upon thys Game of Farkle, for suche is dicing and as suche is
againste the Law of our goode Queene Elizabeth.



God is my lyght and saluation, whom then shall I feare? God is the strength
of my life, of whom then shall I be afraide?

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