[Ansteorra] Barony of The Steppes 12th Night Event

JENNY BAINTER JennieBainter at msn.com
Sat Dec 7 07:38:39 PST 2019

List master:  I don't know if this is formatted correctly for the list sites.  Sorry.  The following is what I wanted to get out there.  If you can't, that's alright.  Thanks!

Time is just flying by, and soon it will be time for Steppes 12th Night on January 4th. Please be sure to sign up for feast as soon as possible. It can only be purchased via PayPal, AND it is limited to the first 100 people that sign up. Here is your link.


Here is the website for the event:  https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fansteorra.org%2Fsteppes%2Ftwelfth-night%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR06ouSKnbzwQ9B66rr4nAqUuXUEz8Cp0zl4rIPAGClwxuHr_zIpZRmBbLM&h=AT06PZtLhvcNPsHRDJLGBIHt_YQ5plP6P0WhPk6L1iXDzSqoZBlG8emrfvMrtDdkO5Tl5CGlI5W9nh-Lug4xE2r4BztnW3W61Mh5kZ_rAft9y8xH1qyqpzkeFJ4G71IiMJVksKjBDY6OCa1eidg

Feast information:

Feast for Steppes 12th Night 2020

First remove:

bread, butter, honey, carrot soup

Second remove:

Blancmange (chicken, onions and rice cooked in almond milk topped with a little sugar and fried almonds) with snow peas blanched and served with lemon and salt

Third remove:

Beef tips, served with two sauces (vinegar & mustard)

Armored Turnips (turnips & cheese)

Fourth remove:

Tartlets of raisin, apple and pears

Honey & Nut Candy

At Twelfth Night feast, we are doing something a little different: We will have tables set aside for feast but you are not required to sit there to receive feast. On the feast tables will be a shield displayed with eight flags of the same design. You are encouraged to sit at these tables and decorate them for our competition. However, if you wish to eat with those who do not wish to eat feast, you may remove a flag from the nearest table and use it (if there are less than eight people at the table). This will signal your server to provide you with the feast and any other help you may require.

And finally, here is the Facebook link:


Jennie Bainter
jenniebainter at msn.com

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