[Ansteorra] Seeking: Photos of Duke Inman-made Armor

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah zubeydah at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 11:07:18 PDT 2019

With his Grace's consent, I am working on collecting photos of armor made
by Duke Inman for a gallery of work on his Ansteorra wiki page. If you have
a piece of armor or helm made by him, and you are willing/able to
photograph it, please contact me off list.   (To publish it on the wiki, I
will need a photographer's release for photos provided, which can be found
http://historian.ansteorra.org/wiki/images/3/35/Photographer_Release.pdf )

Please do not reply to the list with photos, as the list server strips any
attachments, but rather email me directly at Zubeydah at gmail.com

With thanks,

H.L. Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Ansteorran Historian's Wiki Administrator
*http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki <http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki>*

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