[Ansteorra] Bids for Fall Coronation and Queen's Champion

Events Deputy events at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Tue Jul 23 14:43:45 PDT 2019

Bids are being accepted for the following kingdom events:

Coronation, to be held October 11-13, 2019. Bids will be due July 26, 2019.
One bid has been received thus far, from the Canton of Glaslyn.

Queen's Champion, to be held November 8-10, 2019. Bids will be due August
2, 2019. Her Highness would prefer a site with a restroom large enough for
big skirts and some sort of permanent cover in case of weather issues. A
sideboard would be nice, but a feast is not necessary.

I look forward to receiving more bids for all of these events!  :)

Duchess Gilyan Clonmacnoise
Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for Kingdom Events

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