[Ansteorra] Northkeep's Castellan

Seneschal of Northkeep seneschal at northkeep.ansteorra.org
Tue May 14 21:29:54 PDT 2019

The Barony of Northkeep would like to invite one and all to join us this
weekend for fellowship, food, and fun as we live our dream and choose our
newest Heroes and Castellan Champion!
We will be having the following tournaments to decide our new champions:
Chivalric, Rapier, A&S, Bardic, Archery, and Thrown Weapons.
More information on the Castellan requirements and what is needed to
qualify is listed on the event website:

Site opens at 5pm Friday and closes at noon on Sunday.

Event Stewards: Geoffrey De Gournay (MKA Jeffrey Gurnee), Wulfgard Martel
(MKA Tim Drost) and Nalka um Al-Jafna (MKA Nicole Eastwood). If you have
any questions for the event stewards, please email:
northkeep.castellan at gmail.com

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