[Ansteorra] Background checks

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Mon May 20 13:41:42 PDT 2019

Greetings Ansteorra.

Just a quick note to reiterate an issue I am currently having concerning
background checks for youth activities.  I need all of these requests to go
to either the Youth Rapier or Youth Chivalric Marshal or to the Kingdom MOC
prior to being sent to the society secretary.   I am getting too many
requests from Society to authorize payment for these and I don't know why
they are there or who they are from.

If you need a background check for any youth activity, please contact the
appropriate officer above and they will gather your information and forward
the request for approval from me.  Once the approval is obtained, then the
application for the check can be submitted; that way I can let society know
in advance as I am required to do.

Going forward I will deny any request for a background check approval that
does not follow this process.

Please forward this to your local groups and email lists for additional

Master Ainar Magnusson
Kingdom Seneschal

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