[Ansteorra] Fwd: Summer Round Table 2019

Marshalate Secretary secretary at marshal.ansteorra.org
Mon May 27 22:08:36 PDT 2019

Summer Round Table is in July.  All Marshals must have an current
membership on file with the Secretary.  If your fighter card shows an
expired membership I need a copy of the front of your membership card so
the expiration date can be corrected.  If you are a Youth Marshal your
membership must be current and your Background Check must be current.

In Service to the Kingdom
HL Runa of the Thundering Herd
- - - - - - -

*Please Note:  Incomplete information or illegible information will cause a
delay in creating or updating fighter information.  Those have to go back
to the Authorizing Marshal for verification.*

*** *Self Print Authorization Cards are now available! ****
*To access your card, please use your email address at:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marshalate Secretary <secretary at marshal.ansteorra.org>
Date: Tue, May 28, 2019 at 12:05 AM
Subject: Summer Round Table 2019
To: Earl Marshal <kingdom at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Armored Marshal <
armored at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Thrown Weapons Marshal <
thrown at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Target Archery Deputy Marshal <
target-archery at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Rapier Marshal <
rapier at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Equestrian Marshal <
equestrian at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Youth Combat Marshal <
youth-combat at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Missile Marshal <
missile at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Youth Rapier Marshal <
youth-rapier at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Experiments Deputy <
experiments at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Cut & Thrust Marshal <
cut-thrust at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Combat Archery Deputy Marshal <
combat-archery at marshal.ansteorra.org>, Siege Weapons Marshal <
siege at marshal.ansteorra.org>

Please make sure that all marshals under your discipline are current in
their membership.  If their membership is expired they cannot be warranted
at the Summer Roundtable.  All Youth marshals must also have a current
Background Check and I have to have a copy in my files.

Cutoff date to get the information to me is 5 PM, July 12, 2019...no
exceptions without the Earl Marshal's approval.

In Service to the Kingdom
HL Runa of the Thundering Herd
- - - - - - -

*Please Note:  Incomplete information or illegible information will cause a
delay in creating or updating fighter information.  Those have to go back
to the Authorizing Marshal for verification.*

*** *Self Print Authorization Cards are now available! ****
*To access your card, please use your email address at:

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