[Ansteorra] Flags to Half Staff, 8 Bells for Admiral Robert Haddock (pictures attached)

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 07:34:14 PDT 2019

I feel your sadness Pooky. May he fare well across that final sea.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 9:19 AM Pukhta 'Pooky' Lovtsevich via Ansteorra <
ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> . . .
> No more a Watch to stand, Old Sailor.
> You are outward bound on an ebbing tide.
> Eight Bells has rung. And last Watch done.
> A new berth awaits you on the other side.
> Your Ship is anchored in God's harbor.
> And although his sailors are of equal rank.
> There will be Shipmates on the deck to greet you.
> And Pipe, as you ascend the Plank.
> Her sails full winds of the devine.
> Cargo stowed and Galley stored.
> Just waiting to get underway.
> When the last Hand comes aboard.
> Look sharp! That Hand is you, Old Sailor.
> And you'll be sailing out on Heavenly Seas.
> May your spirit's sails be ever uplifted by the gusting warmth of our love.
> Fair weather, and God speed!
> ~ R. J. SKARR modified by His Pookie
> . . .
> Lord High Admiral of the Ansteorran Royal Navy Robert Haddock mka George
> A.  Basore has passed, beyond the horizon of His precious life. Captain's
> Log states He comfortably and without pain embarked upon His final journey,
> to the shore of lands eternal because of complications attributable to
> Parkinsons at 16:15 September 26, A.S. LVI being 2019 C.E. as members of
> His family were present with Him at dock. Presently, Memorial gathering
> times and locations have not been determined. Please contact me privately
> if interested in acquiring further information, which I shall share as it
> becomes available.
> Admiral Your Honor is unparalleled, there can never be another such as You.
> Rest now in peace and comfort.
> I love You Admiral,
> Honorable Baron Pukhta Lovtsevich ~
> Executive Officer (EO) of the Ansteorran Royal Navy
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Pukhta 'Pooky' Lovtsevich <pookyloves at gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2019, 09:06
> Subject: Flags to Half Staff, 8 Bells for Admiral Robert Haddock (pictures
> attached)
> To: The Hard Working Canton Skorragardr <
> SkorragardrVirtualSkald at yahoogroups.com>
> . . .
> No more a Watch to stand, Old Sailor.
> You are outward bound on an ebbing tide.
> Eight Bells has rung. And last Watch done.
> A new berth awaits you on the other side.
> Your Ship is anchored in God's harbor.
> And although his sailors are of equal rank.
> There will be Shipmates on the deck to greet you.
> And Pipe, as you ascend the Plank.
> Her sails full winds of the devine.
> Cargo stowed and Galley stored.
> Just waiting to get underway.
> When the last Hand comes aboard.
> Look sharp! That Hand is you, Old Sailor.
> And you'll be sailing out on Heavenly Seas.
> May your spirit's sails be ever uplifted by the gusting warmth of our love.
> Fair weather, and God speed!
> ~ R. J. SKARR modified by His Pookie
> Lord High Admiral of the Ansteorran Royal Navy Robert Haddock mka George
> A.  Basore has passed, beyond the horizon of His precious life. Captain's
> Log states He comfortably and without pain embarked upon His final journey,
> to the shore of lands eternal because of complications attributable to
> Parkinsons at 16:15 September 26, A.S. LVI being 2019 C.E. as members of
> His family were present with Him at dock. Presently, Memorial gathering
> times and locations have not been determined. Please contact me privately
> if interested in acquiring further information, which I shall share as it
> becomes available.
> Admiral Your Honor is unparalleled, there can never be another such as You.
> Rest now in peace and comfort.
> I love You Admiral,
> Honorable Baron Pukhta Lovtsevich ~
> Executive Officer (EO) of the Ansteorran Royal Navy
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"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"

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