[Ansteorra] Crown Tournament Entrants

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Mon Jan 6 18:25:46 PST 2020

Greetings Ansteorra!  Below is a list of the entrants to Ansteorra Crown
Tournament, Winter 2020:

1.       Lars Magnus fighting for Robin Carrot

2.       HL Wolf Derganger fighting for Baroness Sarah Rois Netterville

3.       Aldric de Kerr fighting for Meadhbh ingheanRois

4.       Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim fighting for Valeria Richila Navarro

5.       Jason Drysdale fighting for Margherita de Mantua

6.       Romanius Scipio Vesperanius fighting for Deanna Della Penna

7.       Nikolai Valentin fighting for Marianna Garcia

8.       Thomas Bernhardt fighting for Michelle Chantel De Charante

9.       Amra Shieldsplitter fighting for Seraphina Maslowska

10.   Sir Ragnar Svensson fighting for Baroness Rosamund Nightegale

11.   Ld. Draug de Gothia fighting for Ldy. Onora D'Exetra

12.   Michall "Micauley" Morison fighting for Sam Bramal Davenport

13.   Anna von Eschenbach fighting for Marie de Girau

14.   Wulfgard Martel fighting for Maura Mag Fhionnain

15.   Count Rey RiBeaumont, KSCA, OP fighting for Countess Miriel du Bois,

16.   Floki Geirrekkson fighting for Elizabeth Caton

17.   Ulsted the Unsteady fighting for Ebergardis von Zell

18.   Aaron MacGreggor fighting for Kalista Zvereva Rostova

19.   Creppin L’Ostriche fighting for Toryn Sevenstitches

20.   Frederick von Dressen fighting for Meg Sterling

If you registered for Crown Tournament and your name is not on this list,
please contact Their Majesties IMMEDIATELY!


Countess Nicollet,

Seneschal, Kingdom of Ansteorra.

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