[Ansteorra] Ducal Privilege

John Bishop ironwyrm at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 13 10:00:31 PST 2020

 Sorry I do not have any information to offer on that subject.  


    On Sunday, January 12, 2020, 6:24:19 PM CST, Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah via Ansteorra <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:  
 I am collecting information about Ducal Privilege - it's origins in
Ansteorra, instances in which it has been used, when the practice has
changed or shifted. I've heard there's some sort of story about Lloyd, in
reference to it, and that it was an issue in breaking off from Atenveldt...

Does anyone have any information on its origins?  Or stories about times
they saw it used, or stories by those who used it, or who was on the
receiving end of Ducal Privilege?


H.E. Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah
Historian & Wiki Administrator, Kingdom of Ansteorra
*http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki <http://tinyurl.com/zubeydahwiki>*
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