[Ansteorra] GW Land

Asoph Hearts asophhearts at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 16 05:44:39 PST 2020

Good morning Ansteorra,
Are you planning on going to Gulf War? You must pre-register by February 15 in order to have land. ​

  *   Each group needs to have a land coordinator.
  *   Each land coordinator needs to be first on and last off site. ​
  *   When you arrive, you will need to lay out your land, treat anthills and clear the brush.
  *   You will need be available as people arrive to guide them. If you need to leave, make sure someone in camp has a copy of the layout. ​
  *   Before you check out you will be responsible for filling holes, moving trash to the roadside and making sure all firewood is gone.​

So far I’ve only had a few land coordinators contact me. These are the groups that have contacted me. ​
 Coastal (Stargate, Loch, and Seawinds)​
Only 58 days until War!​

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