[Ansteorra] Crown Tourney Thank Yous

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 20:18:40 PST 2020

Crown Tournament has come and gone and Ansteorra is in experienced with out
Heirs.  Congratulations to Their Highnesses Jason & Margherita!

No event can run without an army of people making the day better for
everyone else.  We were blessed to have amazing assistance throughout the
day.  I would thank everyone for their assistance in making Crown
Tournament happen.

Their Majesties Sven III & Cristyana - thank you for entrusting the Barony
of Loch Soilleir with hosting this incredibly important event.  Though the
weather was not what we have expected, your support and smiles truly warmed
the day.

Their Serpentine Excellencies Krag & Hennessey - thank you for allowing us
to host this event on behalf of the Barony and supporting us through it
all, especially the difficult weather.

HL Mahearra ad Lauria d'Hexam - for heading up decorations AND
waterbearing.  As always, you did an amazing job!
Lord Roland of Westminster - for his help with set up, take, down, and
throughout the day.
Duke Jason (OJ) MacPherson - running the Unbelted Tourney and his help with
set up, tear down, and all day long.
Duchess Saereid Sigmundsdottir- for help with set up, tear down, throughout
the day, and with helping make site tokens.  So many site tokens.
Duke Ulsted the Unsteady - for help with set up, tear down, and
especially pushing water from the pavilion floor.
Duchess Ebergardis von Zell- for running sanitation and her help with
set-up, take down, and throughout the day.
Baron Krag - for set up & tear down work.
Master Caelan MacRob - set up and tear down help.
Mistress Rhiannon verch Bryan - set up and tear down help.
Connor MacCael - set up and tear down help.
Patrick MacCael - set up and tear down help.
Lord Kelly MacGregor - for helping with set up.
Lord Lothar of Stargate - for helping with set up and tear down.
Lord Aki Seulf -  for being a self-contained thrown weapons field.  All I
had to do was show him to the field and he took care of EVERYTHING.  It was
Master Pug Gervase - for running armor inspection and ensuring Crown List
Sir Modius von Mergentheim - for his list ministry.
Their Excellencies Elisabeth & Santiago - for bringing out the Hammered
Biscuit Tavern to feed the masses.
HL Marie de Meaux - for running the insignia derby
Evan Kragsson - set up and tear down help.

Lady Lilias Mar - for the Youth Armored and Youth Rapier scrolls.
Countess Sara Penrose - for the Unbelted Tourney and Thrown Weapons scrolls.

Youth Combat:
HL Muireen Cheithernag - for running the youth armored combat list.
Lady Sam Bramal Davenport - for marshaling the youth armored combat

Youth Rapier:
Baron Alain of the Steppes - for running the youth rapier tournament.
Baroness Hennessey - for list ministering the youth rapier tournament.
Lord Calvin Tittle - for his help with heralding and marshaling the youth
rapier list.
Mistress Czina Angielzcyka- for her help with the youth rapier list.

Black Blade:
Lady Nicaize Maupetit - for her willingness to run the Black Blade Tourney.
Don Diego Fortuna - for his willingness to marshal the Black Blade Tourney.

Heralds & Marshals:
Master Pug
Sir Alexis la Bouche
Riddari Vilhjalmr Thursaspringr
Sir Rhodri ap Gwythyr
Duchess Britta MacGregor
Don Diego Fortuna
Master William Wescot of Welewen
Sir Arthur, Baron Elfsea
Lord Robin Carrot

Youth Chivalry Discussion panel:
King Sven
Duke Aaron MacGregor
Sir Robert de Bray

HL Elena Wyth - for coordinating gate
Lady Kite von Nurnberg - for gate prep and troubleshooting
Our gate workers -
Baroness Katya Vladimirovna (who worked 2 shifts)
HL Elspeth Arbuthnoth  (who worked 2 shifts)
Master Cael, Defender of the Dream
Mistress Rhiannon verch Bryan
Baroness Brenna of Stagate
Lord Roland
Duchess Saereid

Apologies to any I may have missed.  So many people stepped in to help
various aspects of the day.  It was wonderful to see many hands making
light work!

Thank you all for your hard work.  It means a lot to us.  Also, thank you
to everyone who attended.  It was wonderful to see you out and we hope you
have a wonderful (albeit chilly) time.

Of course, I must personally thank my amazing co-steward - Þóra Vargr.
This was Þóra's first time running an event and she stepped up to do an
amazing job in helping with planning, making site tokens, and being
everywhere during the event, troubleshooting issues.  She was a lifesaver
as she constantly reminded me to drink and picked up any slack I left.
Well done!

In Service,
Brian & Þóra
Event Stewards
Winter Crown 2020

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