[Ansteorra] Southern Regional Exchequer Office Open for Applications

Ansteorra Exchequer exchequer at ansteorra.org
Wed Jan 22 18:23:21 PST 2020


Applications are currently being taken for the office of Southern Regional

Duties include but are not limited to:

1.       Reviewing the branch exchequer reports.

2.       Competing monthly status reports of the branch accounts to Kingdom

3.       Coordinating with the Kingdom Exchequer for classes.

4.       Aiding the NMR or Domesday Deputies when necessary.

5.       Arranging for and conducting book reviews for the branches within
their region.

6.       Aiding the Kingdom Exchequer in the selection of branch exchequers.

Please submit the standard application for office to exchequer at ansteorra.org

In Service,
Mistress Sabine Lefevre

mka Myria Slater
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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