[Ansteorra] Virtual Meetings - Guidelines

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Thu Mar 19 11:50:43 PDT 2020

Greetings Ansteorra!

Some good news! I have been in communication with the Society Seneschal,
and we have been granted to OK to do virtual meetings as official things!
Below are the rules we need to follow, please let the Kingdom Social Media
Deputy and the Kingdom Webminister know if you have any questions. I see
folks are already hosting some good classes and get togethers online, this
is simply making it so they can be official activities.

Please note, if your group (Kingdom, Baronial, Province, Shire, Canton,
Stronghold, or College) does hold a meeting, please follow the guidelines
and PLEASE, include each on these in your monthly reports as virtual
meetings. Society is wanting to keep track of these, so this will make
things a lot easier.

Please send requests for permission to the KSen email address:
kingdom at seneschal.ansteorra.org

Ansteorra is strong and we will make it through this. Thank you to everyone
for helping each other.

In Service,
Avery, Kingdom Seneschal

1. ALL official business meetings (populace meetings, baronial business
meetings, etc.) and ANY official Courts MUST be pre-approved and scheduled
with the Kingdom Seneschal prior to them being announced or held.

2. For a business meeting to be official, at least one B&B, a warranted
Seneschal, and a witness/populace member must be present in the online
forum or physically present on screen for the entire time the meeting is

3. For a Court to be official, at least one of the Crown and/or B&B, a
herald, a warranted Seneschal, and a witness/populace member must be in the
online forum or physically present on screen for the entire time the Court
is held.

4. All meetings and courts are to be announced via the Social Media Officer
to all of our Kingdom online groups. We will attempt to add them to the
Kingdom Calendar as well, just to keep the populace informed. The
announcement must include: Event Title, Date, Time, and weblink for
populace to join the viewing.

5. Announcements must be made at least one week prior to the date of

6. Court reports and/or business meeting minutes are still required. A copy
of these MUST be sent to the Kingdom Seneschal. This is a requirement of
Society and I must turn them in for my next quarterly report to ensure all
business conducted and/or awards given are official!!!

7. We are asking that you use Google Hangouts or Zoom as your official web
forums. These allow you to live stream with multiple participants logging
into the chat AND record what is going on so you may post it to your FB
groups and/or websites for those unable to attend. We are open to other web
services that allow for the same services. Facebook live stream is not
preferred as participants can't actively join other than to type comments
and hope they are responded to. We are asking you use a service that allows
folks to login with a mic/webcam to participate in active/live discussion
AND messaging. Again, recording meetings if possible so you can post them

8. All other populace gatherings, A&S classes, or general meetings that are
not conducting official business are not required to be pre-scheduled or
announced. Folks may use whatever web service they have access to and my
generally announce them as they see fit. Only official "gatherings" must
follow the process above.

Variance granted for the duration of the COVID19 mundane law requirements
for large gathering restrictions. Upon removal of said restrictions, this
variance will no longer be valid. You must keep a list of all
events/meetings that are affected by this variance. Please include all the
events/meetings in your quarterly kingdom report that fall under this

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