[Ansteorra] Ansteorra Re-opening Policy - Update

Kingdom Seneschal seneschal at ansteorra.org
Sat Oct 31 12:42:19 PDT 2020

Greetings Ansteorra! Hope everyone is well and is ready for an enjoyable,
safe All Hallow's Eve. :-) There have been some questions brought up about
the Re-Opening plan that we have been following. I refer to the plan put in
place by Master Phelim (Pug) for marshal activities, but has been the basis
for other directions as well. Yes, absolutely, groups are allowed to
implement stricter guidelines. I know several groups have done so and this
is fine....within reason. There are some limits and some steps that should
be taken to make sure that we all proceed forward safely. I should probably
have made this more clear before, my apologies if there was any confusion.
If your group is wanting to be more restrictive, please contact your upline
officers of the appropriate activities if you are not sure. This does not
mean that every idea will be allowed....and it does not mean that
everything will be shot down. This is very much a case by case basis for
the situations we are dealing with. What may be correct action for
Northkeep may be totally wrong for Seawinds (to use a completely random
example). This applies to marshal activities, A&S gatherings, in person
Populace meetings...whatever. Be reasonable, and when in doubt, ask. And BE
SAFE. And again....NO ONE IS REQUIRED TO DO ANYTHING. If you are not
comfortable going to an activity, do not go. There have been discussions
already among the Crown, different Peerage groups, regional and kingdom
officers....people are absolutely allowed to stay away and participate at
the level they are comfortable with. If ANYONE tries to make someone feel
they need to attend, please tell myself, Master Pug, Sir John, the
Crown...someone....tell us if you feel you are being pressured to do
something you do not feel comfortable with. This will NOT be tolerated. For
the vast majority of the Kingdom, things are proceeding as we can and there
are not issues. If you are not sure, please ask and we will try to get the
most accurate answers and responses that we can. Understand that the
guidelines being sent down currently from the BoD consist of "No full
events (those things we used to do on weekends) and follow
Federal/State/Local guidelines". That is the extent of what we have been
told to do. Everything else is up to the kingdoms and we are obviously
still working out what that entails. Yes is has been since March, but the
fact is this is an ever changing situation, so a good amount of what we are
doing is having to be created on the fly. Yeah, it is not the best, but it
is what we have to work with. Thank you all for being patient. Ansteorra is
stronger than all of this, and we will move forward together, safely. In
service to Ansteorra, Avery Shaw Kingdom Seneschal


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