[Ansteorra] Crown Tournament Pre-Registration

Paul Foster sir.rhodri at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 07:43:39 PST 2021


I do not think the Crown can waive Kingdom Law.

*  F. In addition, any person entering Crown Tournament as a combatant must
have: 1. At least one year’s fighting experience. 2. A member of the
Chivalry who will speak for him or her prior to the Crown Lists. 3. A
current fighter authorization. *

The part they can waive is in paragraph E of that section - not F.

Unless law changed and the new one is not one the web site.


On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 6:52 PM Kingdom Seneschal via Ansteorra <
ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> Calling all those who bleed black and gold to this most prestigious of
> occasions!
> Their Majesties welcome Letters of Intent and pre-registration for the 85th
> Crown Tournament for the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra!
> In addition to the requirements of Corpora and Kingdom Law, the
> qualifications to enter are set forth as follows:
> -Every participant must carry the favor of a consort who is present at
> Crown Tournament.
> -Every participant and consort must be willing and able to carry out the
> duties of the Crown throughout the entire reign.
> -Every participant and consort must be presented to, and accepted by, the
> Crown.
> -Every participant who is not a Peer, must also be vouched for by a Peer to
> the Crown at Crown Tournament.  Their Majesties waive the requirement to
> have a member of the Chivalry vouch for non-Chivalry entrants.
> -Every participant and consort must have lived within Ansteorra borders for
> the past year.
> -Every participant and consort must have their arms registered with the
> College of Heralds, or present proof of heraldic submission through a
> warranted herald prior to Crown Tournament.
> -Every participant and consort must submit a Letter of Intent to the Crown
> and pre-register with the Kingdom Seneschal, no later than 11:59:59 p.m. on
> January 1, 2022 (New Year's Day).
> Letters of Intent may be emailed to crown at ansteorra.org.
> Pre-registration is available at: https://forms.gle/96owfccZ9Rs6jdfdA
> We look forward to an amazing day in Raven's Fort where we will choose new
> Heirs to the Stellar Throne!
> --
> In Service,
> Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, CB, WSA
> Ansteorra Seneschal
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