[Ansteorra] Petition for Principality

Kingdom Seneschal kingdom at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Tue Mar 30 00:47:14 PST 2021

Greetings all,

I am thrilled to announce that the petition for the proposed principality
in the northern region (Vindheim) has been sent to Society for review and
consideration by the Board of Directors.

Thanks to our Kingdom Webminister, Laird Johanna, we have a space for
everyone to view a public version of what was sent to Society.  Also
included is a list of people who worked on various aspects of creating the

My sincere thanks to everyone who worked on the different parts of the
proposal.  This was a huge undertaking and no single person could have done
it.  However, the lead on this project was Centurion Charles the Grey of
Mooneschadowe, former Northern Regional Seneschal.  He did a great deal of
work on this project individually, not to mention guiding the various
committees.  Huge thanks to Charles for his work on this massive project!


In Service,
Brian O'hUilliam, OL, OP, CB, WSA
Ansteorra Seneschal

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