[Ansteorra] Crown Tourney bids

Events Deputy events at seneschal.ansteorra.org
Thu Oct 19 21:38:22 PDT 2023

Unto the most glorious populace of the Sablel Star!

We are now seeking and accepting bids for the winter Crown Tournament to be
held on Saturday, January 13th 2024.

The site must be chosen and an ad must be in the Blackstar for December, so
bids must be in no later than November 10th 2023.

Please submit completed bids, Blackstar ad, event ad checklist for
Blackstar ad, and photos of the site. All documents need to be signed .

The bid in its entirety must be sent to the Kingdom Seneschal, Events
Deputy, and Her Majesty.

All bids need to be in by November 10th 2023.

Bid Requirements:

Privacy area for meetings

sufficient parking

designated quiet area for the populace

inclement weather accommodations (ie, pavilion or indoor space).

Not required but nice:

Camping available

light refreshments at lunch.

If an acceptable bid is received prior to the cutoff date, it can be
accepted and bids will be closed.

In Service

Lady Asta Bassadottir

Events Deputy

Kingdom of Ansteorra

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