<html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=1 color="#000000" face="Arial">Greetings unto the Populace of Ansteorra,<br><br>The opening weekend (October 5 & 6) of the Texas Renaissance Festival is drawing closer. If you are planning to attend and participate in the activities in the SCA compound you need to get your request for passes in quickly. The Festival will run from October 5 to November 17. Each weekend will be sponsored by a group. The sponsoring group will be responsible for furnishing a autocrat, a theme (if desired), a contingent of participants, and coordinating with the other groups to see who will be attending on their weekend.<br><br>If you wish to show up and participate, we would like you to get with your local seneschal (or whomever they might appoint...please note that this person will have to have e-mail access) and have them send me one list with the following information:<br><br>1. Mundane name<br>2. SCA name<br>3. Branch/Group<br>4. If space is available, do you wish to sleep upstairs in the compound?<br>5. How can you assist in the Compound? (A minimum of two hours of participation are required to receive the free admission) Some of the areas you can volunteer for are: Fighting (Heavy/Light), Marshaling, Demos, Waterbearing, Heraldry, Information Booth, etc. A list of positions will also be posted.<br>6. What date(s) you plan to attend.<br>7. Do they intend to eat at the TRF dinner.<br><br>This information needs to be to me at least two weeks before you plan to attend. Passes will then be sent out to the seneschal or their representative. <b>No passes will be sent to individuals!</b><br><br>The idea is for everyone to have a good time and at the same time promote the SCA. We no longer have the games to worry about, so we are looking for people who can present the SCA (by doing those activities that normally occur at a SCA event...fighting, arts and sciences, bardic, etc.) in a positive light to the guests who come to TRF.<br><br>Please pass this information on, and if you have any questions please direct them to me.<br><br>In Service,<br><br>Lord Stefan von Drachenfels<br>TRF Liason<br><br>Steven L. Holt<br><font color="#0000FF"><u>maxisdgn@netropolis.net</u><font color="#000000"><br><br><br><br><br></p>