I'm sure this is being taken care of by a gentle in the area, but confirmation of such would make me feel better... has anyone started a search for the Sword of State (or any of the other items stolen)??? Local pawn shops, flea markets, etc are places these items are likely to turn up I would think. I don't see people who would break into a vehicle keeping any of these items... not when there is money to be made on them. Or possibly posting a reward in the local newspaper? Or maybe even getting an article written concerning the entire story... history and theft? I'm sorry if I seem to be grasping at straws, but my home was robbed last Christmas so I know the feeling and frustration! (The left all my music CDs... I don't whether to be grateful or insulted!) Lord Manfred Wolf mka Joe Wolf Barony of the StarGate Houston, TX >>> Paul Mitchell 01/07/98 05:06PM >>> Galen of Bristol here... [SNIPPED... the history of the Sword of State and a wonderful sonnet about its theft] ============================================================================ Go to http://www.ansteorra.org/lists.html to perform mailing list tasks.