I am against making a tabard part of required armour. The tabard has nothing to do with safety, it should not be included with safety items. If you see a new fighter that doesnt have a tabard..offer to help him sew one or make him one. I have seen fighters that would give a new fighter a used stick of rattan, but not a used tabard. Make Ansteorran tabards and give them as largess to new fighters. Carry a couple of tabards with you and loan them to fighters without..when shown the difference, most of them will improve their appearance. A long time ago (in a land real close to here) John of Severne talked to a new fighter named Ivan and told him that a tabard would really help his appearance. the next tourney he was in, he had a tabard. Looking good helps with confidence, which in turn helps with sucess..a necessary thing if we want to keep newer fighters. Ivan the hedgehog Barony of Ravensfort ============================================================================ Go to http://lists.ansteorra.org/lists.html to perform mailing list tasks.