How about hand-made soaps? There are several people in the SCA who make their own soaps. Or what about commissioning a Bard to write a Sonnet? > Scot and Domino Eddy > >Yule is fast approaching so I will toss out this list (feel free to >cross-post it to other SCA lists) of ideas for gifts.Hopefully this will >stem the tide of candles, soaps, and store-bought cheeseballs > >Leather working tools >Wood working tools >Tape or CD of Medieval music >Books from Half Price Book > e.g. Francis Gies books > Arms and Armor book > Art history > Heraldry > Medieval/Renaissance History > etc. >Fabric (especially white for arming cap or veils) >Trim >A hat >Feast gear >Artificial sinew >Gouache set - a few tubes >Oil set - a few tubes >Egg tempera set - a few tubes >Gesso >Enamel paint set (enameling guild) - a few tubes >Medieval looking glasses to paint >Paint brushes >Linoleum blocks for block printing >Lucet for Lucet cord making >Drop spindle and wool >Wool or silk floss and needles >Embroidery hoops >Embroidery scissors >Strings of pearls or semiprecious stones (yes, they can be found for >under $10) >Mortar and Pestle >Lantern >Medieval/Renaissance Patterns >Length of rattan >Couple rolls of tape (make it a set 1 roll of each, fiberglass strapping tape, duct tape,black electrical tape) >Rivets >Belt blank >Set of belts (for armor, belts, etc.) >Good paper for illumination >A feast basket >Ostrich Plumes >Pair of good scissors (Ginghers) >Medieval games (dice, cards, Mancala (Walmart has this)) >Rawhide mallet >Brick of Beeswax >A strap cutter >Hydrometer >Wine thief >Package of corks >Dremmel tool accessory pack >Auto body hammer Ld Edrei the Quiet "Your Friendly Neighborhood EVIL Trim Merchant" ;) Member of GAMMA: the Gleann Abhann Mercenary Merchants Alliance ------------------------------------------------------------ PS: You should check out this great new site that I found. They've got free movies, music, email. It's really great!