I think that I sometimes behave differently than other nobles because I am trying to live a historical persona not live the SCA. If you think of the Duchess in the Courtier or of Queen Eleanor of England or the ladies in Christiana de Pisan books I fail to live to the ideal because I am a simple human that doesn't have the resources of those ladies. But I am always striving to come as close as I can. I am trying to portray a "good noble" as my part of teaching history. I was taught that was what we were about. We created this kingdom and by our interaction we learned and taught. That concept is sort of lost today. Everybody is trying to get us to be "real". I came out of the days when everyone was playing roles so it is easier for to keep to mine, but newer people find it hard to create their identity as a "noble" because everyone is pushing them to be everyday and not be pushy or "put on airs". Of course they then criticize us for not living up to our roles. The SCA today is very confusing.