Thank you Corrine. Peers make mistakes. I have made many. I tell you what has made me fly straight. The faith and trust the people of Ansterorra have put in me. I might be a lowly individual with petty faults, but when someone Like Master Robin tells his story about me or someone talks about me doing something nice for them I am humbled. It makes me want to live up to that image. It is like having a gentleman carry your favor. You want to be the best you can be to be worthy of the honor. We need to talk about our peers that do right. Being a good noble and peer is not natural. Going around and giving praise and largess, sticking you nose into situations so the Kingdom will run right. making sure there is justice in the land and judging future peers are not the natural things we do everyday. It doesn't help when our friends and populace are telling us not to put on aires or people suggest we wear our hats doing dishes at home. The kingdom of Ansteorra relies on its peers and noble taking a lot of the slack. It works best when they do their job. Because our Kings and Queens, nobles and peers work so hard we give them a lot of respect. When we were using the historical model for our kingdom everyone knew his/hers job. Now it is different. Persona is going out the door and more and more people are stressing everyone should be "real". Real is great for some people because in the real world they are a peer, but for many of us mistake making humans real means we can be just good old Joes and we do not and should not put on aires. Being a Peer or Noble becomes just a title not a job and duty. Lets look a simple thing as helping a lady. I read in a national newspaper that in England they have signs that say if you want to be polite to a lady you will not come close to her or speak to her. This magazine suggested that might be a good idea in the US. The real world suggests that everyone is equal and it might be misunderstood if a gentleman helped a lady. Now the historical model says helping ladies is good and when we were all playing the base persona of living in an Medieval world people did a lot of courtesies. Now that we are living the SCA as a modern alternate lifestyle people are bringing in their everyday values and not helping as much. If we stopped believing in Ansteorra as a Medieval world then we become Modern people dressed up in funny clothes and following standard values of the everyday world. The ideals we love become make believe. Willow/ lanphier Taylor