I believe we should take another tack then the "prove it is not wrong". I used to get a lot of grief because I liked fabrics that weren't right. I went to a lot of trouble to make sure they looked right but I was one of last hold outs for polyester double and single knits. I tried to get a Laurel for 12 years and one of the things that was holding me back was my costuming. Those period "Maven" were not trying to be mean. They were telling me a hard cold fact. For each level we advance we become more of an role model and that means we need to promote more of the values of the SCA. Studying the time period between the fall of Rome and 1600 is our official purpose. Teaching by doing is our technique. Our costuming is one of the ways we teach. We learn from each other. If we dress out of period we are failing to teach correctly. We show the Crown that we are ready to go to the next stage by our costuming and behavior. If we flip our noses at the concept of making our garb more period we are stating we don't plan to take on the duties that come with each elevation in rank. It is our choice, but it is the Crown's choice not elevate us to a level we appear ill equiped for. My helpful bunnies were a pain. but they were trying to help me. We should reward people that are trying to help with courtesies. Their lack of tack doesn't give us the right to be discourteous. Willow