Awards are only responsibility. I agreed with Lorraine's statement but there are good reason to want awards. Awards make it easier to teach. If you have a thistle in something people take your art more seriously. You don't have to jump through as many hoops. People will accept your information as being valid. The bad part is people judge you harder. I have never seen a laurel look at my seams of my garments but I have had many non-laurels tear my costuming apart. Even with me not being a costuming Laurel . I am often told I didn't win something even though my work was better than everyone else because I didn't live up to Laurel standards. The higher you go the easier to fail. Awards make you a role model which mean you can shape the SCA to higher ideals and support good things. Of course if you blow it it means you can have a negative affect. Again people judge you. Awards are something many of our persona would want. Titles represented real wealth in the feudal society. Getting titles allows us to play the game better. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a noble. It is fun for some people. If they do a good job they can help everyone. Having an award allows you to promote deserving people. As a holder of the award your opinion carries more impact. This help promote justice in our kingdom All of right reasons to get an award on dependent on one thing. You truly deserve the award. Getting an award for the wrong reasons hurts you and the SCA. Willow de Wisp