Warning I am talking to people who want to have a believable historical " sort of High" persona. See article at Stefan's wed site or write me for a copy. I am not telling you have to period. I am giving advice on how to get people to believe in your persona. I believe people are forgiven for mundane items that we are forced to wear for health reasons. Glasses--If they counted I would have never gotten my Lion. Wheel chairs and scooters and oxygen tanks and other things have been forgotten. Things that don't seem to easily related to health issues like shoes, watches, pins with slogans, Loony Toon costumes, tie dyed things, cowboy hats, beepers out in the open, cell phones where people can see them and Tshirts under armour tend to bring the modern world to mind and hurt our believeable. People do not believe in your persona if you have too many mundanities around. If you have to wear glasses or have an oxygen tank you have to work harder to make them forget these mudanities. I have been dressed in a T-shirt in a parking lot, in the rain and have sucessfully done persona play. Not having mundanities around you is not a garnutee that people will believe in you but it helps. How do you get around these things. Cover them up. A basket is great for putting cell phones and other things in them just remember to put something over them. I was playing persona and looked down and discovered I had coke cans on the top of my basket. I moved the flowers around to cover them up. It just like ice chest. We put something on top and it is a signal, "This isn't here.". Someone I care about me wrote me and said they have been wearing sneakers for 2 years I haven't noticed them so it is OK. One person who I worked with for a long time had to wear sneakers, but she insisted in making her skirts ankel length and sitting on a stage with a short skirt causes your shoes to be noticed. Of course now I see sneaker type shoes that are black and those seem to totally not noticed. Black seems to be one of those signals saying, "Don't look at this it really isn't there." If you have something that has worked to help people not pay attention to your personal mundanities please share your ideas. Please understand mundanities shape the world around you. I talked to young man who asked me why no one would play persona with him. I told him his gothic military head band and camaflog pants made people think of him as someone in the modern world. He changed is clothing and had no problems after that. It is not necessary to totality authentic. It is not necessary to have a perfect period campsite. It is just necessary to hide the things that force people to think about the modern world. wiillow _____________________________________________________________ Click here for a free directory of employee development and training solutions http://track.juno.com/s/lc?u=http://tagline.untd.us/fc/CAaCX09mJDANs9Rsz4NOrHj7ITBsycDF/