Jewelery is very important to persona. Here are some jewel sites I found last night. This is Raymond the Quiet web site look around it. Most of the jewelery comes form period works I am lusting for the brooch with the hearts or W-31 the big brooch with the lion and dragon. I like Raymond's stuff because many of them you can get gold plated. I haven't be able to do this but gold plating makes things feel really real. I have looked at Ebay and I have found some things. Warning most of the Medieval section is not medieval If you are early period there are some good Thor's hammer under Viking and Norse. I have found many nice things under Finland. Ebay sites to look at Bronze brooch really neat cross Black star really nice early pin Early period and early middle period people up to 13Th century liked heavy jewelery. I believe that for many early period cultures dressing up meant putting on jewelery. Men wore lots of jewelery in early Norse culture. Cuff bracelets were common in Scandinavia. I include England into Scandinavian until the Norman Conquest. Early descriptions of Eleanora of Aquiline said her wore many bracelets. \ Please share where you have gotten jewelery or jewel informant ion. How do you feel jewelery has affected how people view your persona. willow _____________________________________________________________ Click for a free comparison on healthcare coverage and save 100's