Warning what happens in an alternate persona does not stay in an alternate persona. This is really true if you are a peer or noble. Even if you are being someone else the duties and rank still follows you. Whether you think it is fair or not the people look at the structure of the Kingdom and assume that Duke, Duchess, Count, Counts, Baron and Baroness even Court ones and Peers of all kinds are the power elite of our kingdom and expect us to live up to our duties. We are the models that people learn from and when we take on an alternate persona many just do not see us as another person. They think we are just avoiding our responsiblies. If we do something unfitting a Peer or Noble this makes them uneasy. The people will fuss at you when you get back into your regular persona. If you are willing to pay the price it is your call. Alternate personas get into less trouble if they are well worked out historical persona. If they are just a mask to hide behind to be silly or nasty then the people do not believe in them as people. I find it strange that I have an alternate persona that has a separate set of friends. I have had people complain about Duchess Willow while talking to my Lady Katherine persona. The Crown even gave her a separate AOA. If you are going to have an alternate persona here are some rules 1. Try to eitablish your first persona before starting another. Start one new persona at a time and establish it before going another. Remember confused people are often fussy. 2. Choose one to be you to go to populace and business meetings. Changing one to the other will confuse people. Do not try to take your alternate personas into polling order meetings. For some reasons that really upsets people. If you have to dress down and strip yourself of the cues and signals that show you are in the alternate persona. 3. Make sure you have clearly defined costumes for each persona and don't share clothes, hats or jewelery. I have even seen people wear different colors. 4. Make sure you introduce yourself to people so they know who they are talking to. No one likes to make a social mistake. If you change personas and they call you by the wrong name they sort of feel you are setting a trap for them and they get upset. 5. People enjoy alternate personas that are very historical. Make your alternate persona even more proper than your regular one. If you are doing a historical persona then you are just doing what we are about. 6. Introduce your alternate persona in a setting that seems natural. A Norseman at an Allthing. Pick up a Japanese persona for a Japanese event and just never retire it. 7. Warn people ahead of time that you will be coming in an alternate persona. 8. Be prepared to get some coolness. Many people have trouble with just the switch from the modern world to the SCA they just can not handle a new you. It may take them some time to get use to your new persona have patience. _____________________________________________________________ Save up to 30% on student health insurance. Click here to compare programs. http://track.juno.com/s/lc?u=http://tagline.untd.us/fc/Ioyw6iiejD7x9bjEc2PJtaXZXCz9xNNB8WsVPnJy4Srt47z6FAfmhT/