Having something in your hand or getting a new prop gives you something to talk about. For Ladies in the latter periods fan were more than something to cool yourself off with. Fans were common gifts given to you by your admirers. A fancy fan attracts attention and allows to discuss where and when you got the fan. Here is a site for latter period fans. Please remember this style of fan is good for the late periods it is a question on how early it is. I have been having fun making my own. I can't believe that fans went out of existence in the Byzantine area. They were there during roman time. The weather didn't change. I have been using my printer and getting period paintings and putting them on my fan. I have discovered that pizza boxes do quite well just glue two layers together. willow _____________________________________________________________ Click here for self-employed health insurance. Compare quotes for free! http://track.juno.com/s/lc?u=http://tagline.untd.us/fc/Ioyw6iiei95d0h4fyfrw7zkTAxaT7IoXvbZNdSABYjavZAZ2zBYkGd/