ARCH - Sunday Archery Practice upon the 24th of this Month

Howard Featherling JFEATHERLING at
Wed Dec 20 17:38:12 PST 2000

Unto the good Nobles and Gentles of Bryn Gwlad to I extend greetings and
wishes for health and prosperity unto your houses.
Concerning our weekly Archery Practice on Sundays at our Walnut Creek site,
there WILL NOT be an archery practice this coming Sunday, the 24th of
December in order to spend time with our families and loved ones celebrating
the warmth, friendships and love of this Season.
We will resume upon Sunday, the 31st of December at 2 pm, weather
permitting.  A chance for a last shoot before the true end of the
Let me add at this point, a heartfelt wish for a joyous holiday to each and
every one of you.  Bryn Gwlad is special because you, the Nobles and
Gentles, make it special!
Vivat Bryn Gwlad!
In Service to the Barony,
I remain faithfully yours,
Lord Alfred Huddlestone,
Archery Marshal, Barony of Bryn Gwlad

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