ARCH - Elfsea Defender Archery Tournament

Cantley_Tim at Cantley_Tim at
Fri Sep 8 12:36:59 PDT 2000

My Lords and Ladies,

	I cordially invite you to join us at the Barony of Elfsea's Defender
Archery Tournament to help determine who will be Elfsea's next Archery
Defender.  The tournament will begin around 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning,
immediately following morning court and ending about 10:30 a.m., just before
the Rapier Tournament begins.  Their Excellencies Galen and Allessandre will
be in attendance of the tournament and they have requested that it be as
grand a tournament as is possible.
To this end, the tournament will be run as follows.
	His Excellency has asked that their Canton of Loch Ruadh host this
tournament and since I am Loch Ruadh's Archery Marshal, I will be the
marshal-in-charge of the tournament.  His Excellency has requested as much
heraldry be in evidence as possible during the tournament so each archer and
crossbowyer should be heralded into the tournament by their own herald.  It
is hoped that each participant can find their own herald but it will be
understandable if more than one participant is heralded by the same herald.
Wear your best archery attire!!!  Bring your banners!!!  Show off your
stuff!!  Elfsea's Archery Marshal, Lord Kerrick, will be defending his title
as the current Elfsea Archery Defender.
	As to the tournament itself, due to the time frame we are working
with, it will be a Royal Round.  Bows and crossbows can be used in the
tournament but again due to the time limit, each participant will have to
choose one or the other.  The canton of Loch Ruadh will be in attendance at
the range to assist new comers, answer questions, and we will be providing
liguid refreshments (water, gatorade) at the field for thirsty participants
and spectators.
	So please everyone come over to the archery field immediately
following Saturday morning court and be prepared for a great tournament.
Even if this will be your first SCA event or archery tournament, you are
welcome to join us.  If you have any other concerns, comments or questions,
you can contact me either on this list or in private at cantley_tim at

In Service to the Dream,

Laird Sean of Argyll
Loch Ruadh Archery Marshal
Sable Comet of Ansteorra

mka Tim Cantley
Regional Software Support Specialist
14785 Preston Rd.
Suite 250
Dallas, Tx. 75240
Office: 972-892-2125

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