ARCH - Re: ANST - Good News re: Elfsea Defender Archery

Bob Dewart gilli at
Wed Sep 13 22:41:36 PDT 2000

Your Excellancy,

Many great and up and coming archers will be at the grand event Your Barony
is having.  There are already many  great and wonderous things for the

However, I think we can do a bit more.  A side bet if You will.  I will give
one dozen combat arrows to any archer who beats my final score at this great
gathering and two dozen to the winner of the competion.  These arrows will
be fleatched in the winners colors and delivered before the war.

What will the other archers do?  Any takers?  To the winner goes the spoils.


>At Elfsea Defender the tickets will be awarded to the
>new Archery Defender of Elfsea.  The tickets must be
>used in the calendar year of 2001, blackout dates will
>apply, and Lord Tarkus has specified that we send the
>recipient to an out-of-kingdom event that Ansteorrans
>don't normally attend.
>The Elfsea Defender Archery competition was already
>sure to be hotly contested, as there will be many other
>worthy prizes, many of our kingdom's finest archers
>have indicated their intent to compete, a skilled and
>determined incumbent, Kerrick of Casteele, seeks to
>keep the title, and Lord Fearghus -- arguably the best
>active archer in Ansteorra -- longs to win his home-
>barony's honor.
>It should be a most enjoyable competition to watch,
>glorious to participate in, and a great honor to win.
>Opening court will be held on the archery field at 8:00
>am (yes, we know how early that is, but we have other
>Defenders to choose as well), with the archery tourney
>commencing immediately following.  Don't be late!
>- Galen, Baron of Elfsea

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