ARCH - Period rules and such

harry billings psobaka at
Thu Sep 28 18:15:02 PDT 2000

The IKAC and IKCAC are private shoot and can be run as the keeper choses.
Ifyou don't like the way they are bing run start your own shoot and post it
to the different SCA Archery list. Rather that proclaim that there is some
thing wrong with the way the existion shoots are being run
The use of fiberglass was discussed and cussed for some time this spring on
the SCA Archery list then was the time to say what you thought and now is
the time to accept what is being used. If you jdon't like it refer to the
start of this email. START YOUR OWN SHOOT!!
Plachoya Sobaka insignificant archer; Ravens Fort, Kingdom of Ansteorra
Southern Reagional Archery Marshal

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