[Ansteorra-archery] Middleford Archery Practice

Sylvrfalcn at aol.com Sylvrfalcn at aol.com
Sun Aug 5 09:54:40 PDT 2001

Greetings all,
  Had great fun this morning (we start our shoots at 7:30 a.m. on Sundays to
try and avoid the midday dragon's breath).  Our new archer, Edward McTavish,
gave a good account of himself, shooting a 132 IKAC open score on his very
first time ever shooting for a score. Expect to hear more from this young man
down the road.
  HL Gilli was absent due to the red tape event out in Big Springs, but his
lady, HL Darcy Evaline o' Lasgwm, was there to cheer us on.  I was so excited
marshalling our fledgling archer that apparently my mind wasn't on my
marksmanship.  I wound up shooting an embarrassing (by my standards) 200
point IKAC open score.  Still, my consistency with the wooden longbow is
gradually improving, so I'll stick to it and see what happens.

   Cheers and good shooting all,
        Robert of Yorkshire

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