ARCH - Middleford's shoot

Sylvrfalcn at Sylvrfalcn at
Thu Mar 8 15:28:33 PST 2001

 And shoot we shall M'lord, if the weather is more cooperative tomorrow we 
will hold a make up shoot 'round mid day (1130 a.m.) as was discussed and 
tentatively scheduled at Tuesday's shoot (aren't five day forecasts a 
  Our scheduled/published shoots take place on Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 
1130 a.m., and Sundays @ 11 a.m..  The only proviso we have is that archer's 
should contact the marshall (hey, that's me now) a day in advance to verify 
the shoot is going to take place/hasn't been cancelled or rescheduled due to 
weather or other factors.
  As mentioned earlier, we do have access to a very nice range on Fort Hood, 
perhaps not big enough for flight shooting, but plenty big enough for clout 
shooting out to 100+ yards (does anyone know how to cook a clout?).  I have 
an agreement with management so there's no charge for us to use the range, 
and there's a very good snack bar with restroom facilities within easy 
walking distance.  There are picnic tables on the range for those who choose 
to "brown bag" it.  Hmmm, I did mention the range is on Fort Hood Army 
Installation, so you're wondering "do I need an ID card or something?". 
Absolutely not, Fort Hood is an open access installation, and folks are by 
now getting used to oddly dressed persons wielding long bows on its archery 
  As a brand spankin' new archery marshall, I would like to take this 
opportunity to invite all who love to bend a bow to come join us in our 
weekly pursuits of archery excellence.  Archers will always find a warm 
welcome in our Shire of Middleford.
  I can be reached at the following;     e-mail: Sylvrfalcn at
                                             home phone: (254) 634-1461
                                              work phone: (254) 288-5067* 
                                                       (*ask for Master 
Sergeant Sikes)
  Please contact me a day in advance to confirm shooting or get directions to 
the range ( I'm working on getting a map onto our web site).

      Health and Cheer,
     Robert of Yorkshire

p.s.: Tuesday and Thursday practices are, by necessity, quite short, but on 
Sundays I will stay on the range just as long as there are archers who want 
to shoot.
Come April 1st we will start setting up both IKAC and IKCAC ranges on Sundays 
so that archers can shoot scores in either one or both.  Ansteorra's archers 
did well last year and I have no doubt we'll do just as well or better this 
year if we roll up our sleeves and give it a yoeman's effort.
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