ARCH - What If

Dewart, Charles R. --G3 Contractor (Anteon Corp) Charles.Dewart at
Thu Mar 22 13:58:07 PST 2001

Oh, OK.  I'll go first.  (sigh)

Your Majesties.  I am Gilli, the Honorable Lord Gilbert Ost Westley.  In my
heart of hearts, I know that there is only one thing that the archery
communities of Ansteorra needs and that's the inspiration and recognition
that can only come form Your Hand; Archery awards of AoA and Grant level.
The archers, indeed, the whole Kingdom needs to know that the Crown of
Ansteorra values Their archers in times of peace and War.  And to validate
to the Known World that the time that the archer spends away from the crowds
of the events, perfecting his craft so that someday that archer might bring
glory to this Kingdom, is in fact time valued highly by Their Majesties.

So says my heart, Your Majesties.

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