[Ansteorra-archery] The Fray... (was signal flags)

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Tue May 28 16:45:53 PDT 2002

Michael of the Fray said something that sounded like:
> When I take the field with Fray, I have already received my main
> instructions, with secondary options - all based upon the fluid actions
> of the forces in play on the field.
> Therefore, I will not seek nor even bother to look at flags nor will I
> support such a effort nor will I instruct other archers that are either
> in the Fray or supporting the Fray to do so!

Good Morning,

  I've been thinking about your words all day and I think that I have a
  couple questions.

  Is the Fray a mercenary household or part of the Ansteorran Army?

  If a merc unit, how do they get paid, what is the bidding process
  and restrictions on their command once the Fray is merc'ed out? This
  is professional curiousity being part of a mercenary household.

  If part of the Ansteorran Army why won't your unit listen to the
  orders of the commanders of the Ansteorran Army? That seems to imply
  that you are a bunch of "heros" and not part of the army in my
  opinion. This has gotten units killed by their own men in the past.

  If you don't feel like answering the questions, I will gladly talk
  with the commander who is able to answer them.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase   |  "What about your Gods?
Bryn Gwlad - Ansteorra |   They're Defective!
Dark Horde Moritu      |   They forgot the warranty"
pug at pug.net            |   --Meatloaf
  Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.

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